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Is Your Dog Overweight?

How do you tell if your dog is too fat or too thin?

fat dog and correct weightFirst, look at them from above - you should be able to see a "waist" between the ribcage and the hips. Now look from the side. Dogs should have a "tuck up" in their lower abdomen. In the pictures the top dog appears to be in good condition, the bottom dog is too heavy.

Protruding ribs or hip bones indicate a dog who is too thin.

Now lightly rest your hands, fingertips together, over your dog's ribcage on either side of his body and move your hands back and forth (head to tail and back) a couple times - you should be able to feel his rib cage under a thin layer of padding, without probing for it. Do the same test on his back at the base of his tail - the pelvis shouldn't protrude sharply but you should be able to feel it.

Overweight and underweight dogs are both at greater risk for health problems - if you think your dog may be too fat or too thin, consult with your veterinarian.